Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beware of the Guard Goose!

After three days and two nights in Guadalajara, we don't have much to say for ourselves. It has been a harrowing adventure my friends, harrowing.

We checked into the hotel Friday afternoon. Our room is clean and spacious, and there is always a movie dubbed in Spanish playing on one of our 7 cable channels. That evening we ate a large meal in the plaza that sits in the shadow of the town's enormous cathedral. Christmas decorations were still up everywhere, and we were feeling quite pleased with ourselves.

That night it began to rain...

The rain continued all through the next day, and I mean ALL through the next day. But being the intrepid pair we are, we made it out for 3 fine meals. There is a pasteleria just down from our hotel and the bakery for it is just next door. So every time we leave the hotel in the morning it smells like fresh baked sweets. Barrett walked us over a mile to a Tortas Ahogadas stand (have you ever been splashed by a car with Mexican rain water? I have...thanks Barr...thanks) that was barely more than an open air one-car garage. But, oh my goodness, the "drowned sandwich" of Guadalajara is so good. It's a pork filled baguette covered in spicy red sauce. I ordered mine mild, but accidentally picked up Barrett's plate when we went to the table. My lips tingled for over an hour after only one bite! That's the only thing this place serves, but you can get it with avocado and squeeze limes over it. Truly delicioso! For dinner we found a taco stand in the market that will serve you up a taco made from just about any part of an animal you can think of. We played it pretty safe, but I've got my eye on a "head meat" aka brain taco.

It rained all that day so we were wet, full to the brim, and sleepy. We crashed after watching Alien 3 in spanish and were ready to go at it again today even though it was supposed to rain again...

but then, there was sun...

And lots of it, today has been a beautiful 75 and sunny. We walked through the big Parque Aqua Azul, which is the premier park in Guadalajara. It's verdant and serene. You might never know you were in the big city. People were there with workout groups or strolling with their families. There's a large butterfly dome and a bird house. But beware of the guardian goose! Upon entering the birdhouse you can easily become distracted by the colorful parrots and showy peacock, but don't take your eyes off the one scraggly goose that hisses, follows you around, and ultimately bites blonde tourists on the ankle! Muy mal pavo! Muy mal! That's one very bad goose!

But now that I've recovered from the trauma, had a delicious torta from the bakery down the street, and am lounging in the sunny green courtyard of our hotel, it doesn't seem so bad.

Till next time,

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