Friday, April 30, 2010

Home Again! Home Again!

Dear Readers,

Long time no write. I know! But what a to do list that has been to done.

Barrett and I are back in Oklahoma and out of the boxes in our new home. Setting ourselves up against new adventures and rivals such as the dangers of lawn care and the never ending maze of appliance delivery.

I wanted to update all my faithful cross continental readers on the sad news that blogger is changing its format. That basically means that all of my blogs, including this one, will soon disappear from cyber space. Tear...

But fear not dear reader for I am already arming myself with the knowledge to create not only a blog to supply your needs for Megan-related information, but also an entire website chocked full of more information about the life of ME than you ever dreamed you could want to know!

BE ON THE LOOKOUT IN YOUR EMAIL AND ON FACEBOOK! The new website should launch sometime in the next couple of weeks. It will have an archive of all my blogs, new albums of travel pictures, and a special section just for family and friends to stay up to date on the perils of home ownership. On a side note, mulch is just evil. Part of its evil is that it looks so pretty, but trust me...after you put down 34 bags of it while your husband is at work, you'll know the evil of which I speak. End side note.

Till we meet again dear reader.

Onward and Upward,