Wednesday, July 20, 2011

At Long Last!

Dear Reader I have missed you!

The internet at my house has been more unpredictable than a seven year old in the grocery store after a six-pack of Coke and three boxes of candy. Nobody move. Remain perfectly still. We're working on without further ado...

Day Four: Ridin' Back

After a long day's drive out to Hofn, we had to make another long day's drive back to get Phech and Chara to Keflavik to catch their plane home. But as I'm sure you've already gathered, Iceland is just too beautiful to drive without stopping. We did manage to keep it down to only two stops. And I grabbed these sweet pics from the car.

Our first stop was Skogar Falls, known as the Black Waterfall because of the incredible basalt rock formations that it tumbles over.

There's a gorgeous park at Skogar with a great camp ground that we'd love to go back to! It's also a starting point for trips out to the glacier. A definite must on Iceland 2.0.

Our second stop was at...

...yeah well, you try to say it. Not only were there more amazing basalt rock formations, but apparently if you hang around here long enough you can hear the elves sing. Christian elves! They sing hymns!

Phech and I didn't see any elves, but we did see some very strange human looking creatures.

After we dropped our friends off at the airport, it got very quiet... Sad to say goodbye to such fine people. But we are soooo going to do this again!

Barrett and I drove to our hotel in the thriving metropolis of Nesjavallir."thriving metropolis" might be a bit of an overstatement. But there was our hotel, one house, and a power plant. For Iceland that's a big town!

The hotel was in a gorgeous location, so we stuffed ourselves and rested up for a couple days of hiking and sight seeing in the most active geothermal area in Iceland.

As long as the internet behaves, I'll post more soon. Till then dear reader...

1 comment:

  1. These pics are gorgeous! It looks like a wonderful trip! Wish I could have experienced it, too.
